Saturday, April 17, 2021


Yesterday I left the house fairly early in the morning to run an errand.  I've been debating all month which of the many tender mercies and blessings I should write about for the letter O, and I realized that one of the things I am so very grateful for is the wonderful great outdoors!  I've been working long hours at the computer most days for the past several years, and don't make it outside as often as I would like, but being outdoors among God's creations is one of the greatest pleasures of life for me.  

No, I don't enjoy being wet, or cold, or even the extreme desert heat, but most days it is pleasant to be outside.  Right now we are starting the most pleasant time of the year for me.  The recent rain this week has turned the lawns green.  The fruit trees are in bloom.  It's time to clean out the garden beds,  to begin planting.  I love the spring and working in God's green earth.

There are many wonderful activities to keep us active and provide joy in the outdoors.  Gardening of course is one of my joys. When I was much younger I did enjoy running. I've never been a big one for most sports, but I do love walking and hiking and have done plenty of hikes over the years near all of the places I've lived.  When the children were young we often headed over to the nearby river parkway trail that runs nearly the entire length of the Jordan River between Utah Lake and the Great Salt Lake.  I don't do much hiking these days, due in part of course to the long hours of work and also the fact that I'm not comfortable hiking alone, nor driving by myself up many of the canyons to reach the trailheads of many of the local hiking trails.   But a daily walk should be manageable, right??  Let's get that back into the daily schedule!

So, don't do as I have been doing of late . . .missing out on the wonders and the beauties of the great outdoors.  Make time, schedule time, take the time to get outside and enjoy the sunrise, the sunset, the fresh air, the flowers, the mountains, the oceans, the lakes and rivers and streams, the fields and plains and the gardens, wildlife, the sun, the wind, the rain and even the snow, and all that is a part of the outdoors.  The earth was created for the benefit of man.  Enjoy, be grateful, and give thanks.

For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and I have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves. 

Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all things which the Lord can comprehend.

PS  DH suggests exploring Olives, Oranges and Orangutans.  They all grow outdoors.

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