Friday, April 9, 2021

Heavenly Father, Husband and Home,


I am the daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me, and I love Him.  This knowledge is one of the greatest blessings that I have in my life.   I know that when I pray, he will hear me.  When I pray, I need to listen with my heart, and hear Him.  With his help and guidance throughout the day, every day, I can make it through life's challenges, one day at a time.

Husband, helpmeet, and friend.  He's my hand to hold, my shoulder to lean on, the one I run to when the earth quakes, provider of flowers, chocolate, books, computers, and much more; my source of encouraging words and smiles to brighten my day.  We don't agree on everything and .  The 38 years of our marriage have brought changes and challenges, but one thing always stays the same -- I love and appreciate my DH!!

Home -- the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. I just counted it up again tonight, and there have been 21 different structures that I have called home throughout my life.  My first home, my parent's home, was home to me for nearly 18 years, and home for my parents for many more years than that.  During my single adult years there were many different apartments and places where I lived, and several more during the first 14 or so years of our married life.  I'm very grateful for my home, where we have lived now for almost 25 years.  Our home isn't the grandest, largest, cleanest, or most beautifully decorated place around, but it is comfortable for me, and a sanctuary and refuge from the world, a place of Security.  

  Places of Security, has been so well explained by Shawni on her blog, 71 Toes.  

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