Friday, April 2, 2021

Baptism, Book of Mormon


"Except a man be born of the water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God"
 John 3:5

Shortly after my eighth birthday, I was baptized by immersion by my Daddy in the font in my local chapel.  After eight years of being taught about Jesus Christ in Sunday School and Primary classes at church, and by my Mom and Dad and other family members at home, I was excited to be baptized to show our Savior that I was willing to follow his example, keep his commandments, serve and help others, and become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Being baptized into Christ's church has given me a life long knowledge of who I am -- a daughter of my Heavenly Father who has a plan for me and my life.  Along with baptism, I was blessed with the gift of the Holy Ghost, a guide and a comfort to me throughout my life as I have faced difficult challenges and decisions.  I am very grateful to have had these blessings in my life now for many years.

One of the gifts that I received for my eighth birthday was a copy of The Book of Mormon, a gift from my grandma and grandpa that lived next door to us on the family farm.  I own quite a few different copies of The Book of Mormon now, but this copy will always be very special to me, with its personal inscription to my from my sweet grandmother.  She was only with us for four more years after my eighth birthday, but her life as a teacher, and then the hard work and service to her family in the home and on the farm and to others in the church and community and extended family will always be an example and an inspiration to me, as is the life of my dear grandfather.  I started studying that Book of Mormon with my family and on my own, and am grateful for the habit I have of reading from these sacred scriptures and teachings of Jesus Christ almost daily.  The Book Of Mormon is a blessing and a comfort to me and brings me peace and hope for a better, kinder, and happier world.  I'm grateful for the blessing of The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

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