Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Stretching and Noontime Walks

 Morning stretches are a pleasure.  I'm grateful to have a body the moves and stretches, even if sometimes it wakes up a bit stiff and sore as mine tends to do after a day working in the garden, or even after a long day of sitting at the computer.  I'm definitively not the one to do a strenuous workout very often, but I do enjoy mowing the lawn, working in the garden, a good 15 to 30 minute walk on the lunch break and a few sit ups or crunches or leg stretches first thing in the morning.  A post on Facebook today also reminded me that using a few hand weights on a regular basis is a good idea too.  So . . . with weights and a bike downstairs, a beautiful world outside, and  the first day of summer, let's get moving and enjoy the body!

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