Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Perfect Date

I just had to share this clip from the movie Miss Congeniality, one of our favorite movies.  Yes, today, April 25th just happens to be just about the perfect date.  Today was not too hot and not too cold.  I didn't even need a jacket!  I did have to work (I am grateful for my job), but I also found some time to trim the raspberries and even move a few of the shoots to a new location. 

I love spring!  I love that I can garden!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


We have been very blessed during the past few years with good job opportunities in our family.  I guess it comes with the territory of having young adults needing to pay for their educations and preparing to leave the nest and support themselves.  My DH and I are proud of all of our children and how well they have worked and studied and prepared themselves to be contributing members of society.  All are currently employed except for DD4, a high school junior who is currently looking for her first job.  So far all of them have been able to finance their own college educations through work, scholarships, and grants.  If there was a need for a temporary loan from us, it was paid back in full.  Even though not every job has been exactly what was hoped for, we're grateful that we have been able to finance these educations without outside debt and loans.  In just the past two weeks DD2 and DD3 have secured wonderful new jobs in their chosen fields of study that should allow them to continue their educations without debt.   It is a wonderful blessing to our family. 

The past few years have actually been quite the struggle for DH and I financially.  The family business has not been doing well due to the economy, but we both have  outside jobs that have so far allowed us to care for the basic needs of our family.  They are not the jobs of our dreams, but we are very blessed and grateful for what the Lord has seen to bless us with.  We have faith that our present situation will not last for too many years, and that the Lord will continue to guide and direct our paths so that we can continue to care for our family and for each other.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A to Z Challenge: Apostles

I'm unofficially joining The Blogging from A to Z Challenge April 2012.  I missed the official signup somehow, and just this morning found my way to the official site and figured out what it is all about.  Anyway, I hope no one is offended, and I'm not even promising to actually produce a blog post every this month, but it does sound like fun to try.  My DD2 just finished a 30 day blogging challenge, and even though  I know her as well as most and even better than some, it was very enjoyable for me to read her daily posts this past month.  Day 1:  Apostles

When Jesus Christ lived and ministered on the earth 2,000 years ago, he called Apostles to assist him in his work and ministry.  Today the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is organized with prophets and apostles just Christ's church was organized in ancient times.

The first day of  The Blogging from A to Z Challenge April 2012  just happens to fall on the 2nd day of the 182nd Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I have spent the day listening to many uplifting and thought provoking messages  presented by today's Apostles and Prophets of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  You can watch and listen to these messages right here at the church's official website, and by Thursday of this week the text of these messages will also be available.  I know that these men are true witnesses and messengers of Jesus Christ, and we would all do well to listen to and abide by their teachings.