Sunday, March 26, 2023

Celebrating Our Savior, Jesus Christ

Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
By Harry Anderson

 It has been a good weekend.  I've had some time with family and some time to finish a few chores, but the best part of this weekend has been the wonderful spirit and messages that were shared in our local stake conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I wish I could somehow bottle it all and share it with everyone I know.  I took quite copious notes, but sharing those would not do justice to the spirit and messages that I received in the two meetings last night on Saturday and this Sunday morning.  

I would just like to share that today I know even more strongly than ever before in my life that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.  He is our brother, as we are all children of God, our loving, wise and all knowing Father in Heaven.  Jesus Christ is our Redeemer, who in his perfect life and example, and through voluntarily suffering for our sins and sorrows and laying down his life for all mankind, then reclaiming his life on the third day, has made it possible for all of us to return to our Heavenly Father.  He is the reason for Christmas, the reason for Easter, the reason for life, and he has provided the only way we can return to our Father in Heaven.  He is the only way.   

Please take the time during these next few weeks with Palm Sunday, General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and Easter Sunday to study and learn more about the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, and make him the central focus of your lives.  Reconnect with Him. I promise that you knew him before you started this life on earth.  Please don't let the commotion and the confusion in our world today distract you from Jesus Christ.  He lives.  He loves you.  He loves us all.  He is the only way.

The Resurrected Jesus shows his wounds
"Behold My Hands and Feet"
By Harry Anderson

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

2023 A to Z Theme: Community College A to Z


I spent a good four years at the university a long time ago, and very significant portion of my day is currently spent at the local community college where I work.  I don't often mention my work in my blog posts, and I haven't blogged much about my own college years, so perhaps that will make an interesting and bit of a different theme for this year's A to Z Blogging Challenge happening during the month of April 2023. I'm not sure exactly where these posts will go. I attended a large 4 year university back in the day and I work at a large community college.   I'm definitely not an expert in all things regarding higher education but hopefully I can share a few tidbits from both types of institutions and my own experiences that might interest a few readers out there.   Welcome!

One of my favorite photos of the local campus -- taken the morning after a cold snap last fall.