Sunday, April 15, 2018

Thoughts for a Sunday: What is my mission?

Today in our Sunday School class we were discussing the prophet Moses and the important role that he played in leading the Children of Israel out of Egypt and back to their promised birthright land in Canaan.  Raised as a prince of Egypt by the Pharoh's daughter, Moses was aware of his Israelite heritage, and after killing an Egyptian to defend a fellow Israelite, fled Egypt for the land of Midian.  In Exodus Chapter 3 we can read that it was while living in the land of Midian and working as a shepherd for his father-in-law Jethro that Moses received his calling and learned of his mission to lead the Children of Israel out of their Egyptian bondage and back to Canaan.  The voice of the Lord called to Moses from the burning bush, and explained that He, the Lord needed Moses to deliver his people from the Land of Egypt.  As you might imagine, Moses felt totally inadequate to the task.  He of all people surely knew what a huge, nearly impossible task this would be, but the Lord reassured him and promised that he would be with him every step of the way.

That's the very very shortened and condensed version of the account of Moses and his calling and mission.  Please feel free to click on the link to Exodus above to read more if you choose.  Right now I want you to think about what your mission in life is.  What have you been called to do?   What does the Lord want you to accomplish during your lifetime?  Do you know?

Most of us will not hear the voice of the Lord or see a burning bush, but it is possible, and in my opinion essential that we each find out for ourselves what our mission or purpose in life is.  The best way to do this is through prayer, humbly speaking to and asking the Lord for his guidance in our lives. 

I believe that I know what my mission is, at least part of it.  My life isn't over yet, and there are probably still things that the Lord needs and wants me to do and accomplish, but I do feel that among the most important things I have been meant to do during my life are being a mother, a wife, a daughter, a teacher, and a friend.  I know that I have failed in many ways to do what I could have or should have done, but I just keep praying every day and trying to do a bit better to do good.

What do you feel is your mission in life?  How have you discovered your mission in life?

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