As mentioned in my earlier Joy School post that we participated in a preschool program where a group of neighbors and friends take turns hosting and teaching the preschool curriculum (two days a week) in their own homes. Sometimes we had an active group to participate with, and sometimes it was just Mom and our own kids.
When it came time for kindergarten, however, each child was enrolled in the local public school to begin their school career. I have known quite a few families who have taught one or more of their children at home for a year or two or more, and I support their decisions and applaud their dedication and efforts to educating their children. For our family, we have always felt that in spite of the various problems different public school institutions might have, our children have overall had a better, more well rounded educational and social experience, and are better prepared to face the challenges of living in the world. Some have taken additional classes online or through community education programs, and we've tried to provide opportunities for each of the children to participate in other extra-curricular activities as well.
I am usually the Mom who forgets to bring the camera or if she has the camera forgets to take the picture, or if she takes the picture, it ends up blurred or shows children with non-ideal facial expressions, or even worse, a thumb or finger taking up half of the screen. I did try to take first day of school photos on several occasions, and bless them!! Several of our kids' teachers were kind enough to take first day of school photos of the students in their classes and sent them home!
Riding the school bus for the first time is always an adventure!
There are always new friends to meet the first day of school.
I love teachers who love to read, celebrate reading and provide special places to read!
DD3's kindergarten teacher red the story "The Red Balloon" to the class on the first day of school, and then presented each child with a red balloon to bring home! She'll never forget her first day of school.
We can't forget to mention that the weeks before school started were busy finding new backpacks, lunch boxes, school supplies, and a special outfit to wear on the first day.
After school and a snack it was homework and practice time. In the first years of elementary school homework were usually pretty easy to finish, and their was usually plenty of time to play.
All of the kids participated in a science fair project or two or three or more. We had some pretty interesting and diverse ideas, including How Do Plants Grow, What can you identify just by the sense of taste, and Measuring the density of different items.
We encouraged the kids to participate in sports and other activities when the opportunity presented itself. Dad of six kids has a great love for soccer, and all of the kids played and most even became certified to referee youth soccer games at some point. DS2 played soccer for many years.
We tried gymnastics one summer
Cub Scouts
and Boy Scouts.
And this is just the beginning. We were also involved with school plays, musicals, math counts competitions, school Academic Team competitions (including several national championships!), music lessons, 4-H, and Art shows, horseback riding lessons / . . . I'm sure I've forgotten something.
What school and community activities have you and your family been involved with?