Monday, November 20, 2023

Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Holy Ghost and The Sun, Moon, and Stars

I'm grateful for the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost gives us comfort, helps us recognize truth, and testifies of Jesus Christ.  I'm sure that I rely on the guidance of The Holy Ghost multiple times every day.  Learn more about the Holy Ghost and how he can help you throughout your life.

The Holy Spirit -- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

I'm also grateful for the sun, moon and stars, sunrises, sunsets and everything that provides us with light and warmth. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Grocers and Truckers and Food Producers

I'm grateful for grocers, and truckers and food producers.  I'm grateful that I  can jump into the car or walk to the grocery store and quickly find an abundance of tasty and healthy and affordable food options.

Aren't we so blessed?

Friday, November 17, 2023

Biographers and Historians

I'm grateful for biographers and historians and everyone who has made the effort to record and share their life stories and experiences and perspectives with others.  We can learn so much from others and their lives and experiences, their mistakes and their successes!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Creative Social Media Influencers

                                                               photo source

 I'm grateful for creative people who share their ideas on social media!

Like this one:

Teddy Bears In a Blanket

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


I'm grateful for missionaries!  I'm grateful for the wonderful missionaries to taught so many of my great-grandparents and their families about the restored  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I'm grateful to my own children who have served missions, and for those who are currently serving as missionaries and sharing their testimonies and providing love and service and light and hope to many people all over the world today.  

Here are 10 things you might be interested to learn about missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Temple Workers

I'm grateful for Temple Workers.  Temples are literally the House of The Lord, and require many wonderful volunteers to keep things running smoothly.  Without the service of these dedicated workers, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the opportunity to attend the temple myself.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Custodians, Janitors, Mothers and others

photo source

I'm grateful for custodians, janitors, mothers, daughters, sons, husbands and others who work hard to keep our workplaces, churches, homes and other places clean and comfortable.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Organists, Pianists and Choristers


I'm grateful for willing and dedicated organists/pianists and choristers.  I've enjoyed singing in many varied choirs and congregations over many years, and would not have had those experiences without these dedicated individuals!

Saturday, November 11, 2023


 I'm grateful for many many many wonderful neighbors!


 I'm grateful for my family.  Parents, brothers, sisters, husband, children, in-laws, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents and all!

Primary Children

I'm grateful for the children in my primary class this year, and for all of the youth and children I have been able to teach over the years.  I love seeing them learn and grow and knowing the wonderful adults they have become and are becoming! 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Cooks and Bakers

I'm grateful for chefs and cooks and bakers and restauranteurs and everyone who gives us a change of pace with delicious foods every once in a while.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Prophets and Scriptures

 I'm grateful for ancient prophets who with faith and courage recorded their life experiences and testimonies and prophecies of God and our Savior.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Parents, Grandparents and Ancestors

 I'm grateful for parents, grandparents, and other ancestors who had the courage and faith and sacrifice to make choices that have allowed me to enjoy freedoms, privileges and faith throughout my lifetime.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Photos and Photographers

 I'm grateful for photos and photographers and family and friends who share their photos and their talents with me!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Friday, November 3, 2023

Thursday, November 2, 2023


 I'm grateful to have had so many wonderful co-workers over the years!