Friday, March 23, 2018

Blogging from A to Z 2018 Theme Reveal: Mom of 6


Ta Da!  My theme reveal is only five or six days late as it was to be posted on March 19th.  Hopefully this is not an indication of how this year's Blogging from A to Z challenge is going to turn out for me!  Yes, this year I will be blogging about my memories of being the Mom to the six wonderful humans pictured above.  This is the first photo ever taken of all six of the children together, and one of the very few of the six children together.  Please don't judge too much by the quality of the photo or the rapt expressions on the faces of the dear ones.  I confess to have done a very poor job of taking photos of my kids, especially after numbers 4, 5, and 6 came along, but we do have a fairly good collection of family photos that include myself and my dear husband (DH, also known as Dad of 6) a good collection of individual portraits and school photos, and a fair amount of random snapshots taken by me or other family members on different occasions, so we will try to include a few more photos as we go.

For the past few years I have been using the annual April Blogging from A to Z Challenge as an incentive for me to record some of my memories of my very own life.   Last year I wrote about memories from my courtship and marriage to my DH and in April 2016 I wrote about memories from my childhood.   So this year it was a toss up between my teenage/young adult memories and memories of my life as the mother of six during the 1980's and 1990's, and the MOM OF 6 theme has won.   It may not be the most fascinating of reads for all of the world, but these years are probably the most important in my life so far.

So, What is Blogging from A to Z you ask? Click here to find out.

And if you want to sign up to participate, Click Here.  Sign Ups are open until April 1, 2018.

Hopefully we'll see you around this April and we bring in the springtime by blogging our hearts out!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

More Light in 2018

I think that my theme for 2018 is Light.  Here is a new quote to add to the thoughts I posted back in October: 

"Night is nothing more than a shadow.  Even in the darkest of nights, the sun does not cease to radiate its light.  It continues to shine as bright as ever.  But half of the earth is in darkness.  When the darkness of night falls, we do not despair and worry that the sun is extinguished.  We do not postulate that the sun is not there or is dead.  We understand that we are in a shadow, that the earth will continue to rotate, and that eventually the rays of the sun will reach us once again.  Darkness is not an indication that there is no light.  Most often, it simply means we're not in the right place to receive the light."    ----  Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Blog post from last October:  Project of Light