I have been very negligent this summer in posting about my gratefuls and tender mercies. I came across the above meme on facebook yesterday, and tonight have decided to catch up a bit and post some of my summertime gratefuls tonight: (I promise to be more regular with this blog from this day forward)
- DD3 graduated with her BA degree and was offered a good full time job!
- DD2 graduated with her Master's degree and was able to safely move herself halfway across the country to be near her family! And get her old job back!
- DD4 found a great summer job in a wonderful National Park where she gained work experience, new friends, and had time to relax, recreate, and rejuvenate after a successful freshman year in college!
- DD1 received a promotion at work!
- DS1 and his girlfriend were able to spend a very fun long weekend with us in July!
- DS2 and DDIL were blessed to bring a brand new baby boy home from the hospital at the end of August! If all goes well they will officially adopt in about 6 months!
- We celebrated my Dear Father's 90th birthday in May!
- We celebrated with my dear parents as they served as the Grand Marshals of my hometown's annual Fiesta Days parade!
- We celebrated with DH's Mother's annual July Family Party!
- I was able to spend time with each of my siblings during the summer!
- We were able to procure a brand new red Volkswagen Jetta and now have reliable transportation!
- We have received much needed rain to help water the gardens and lawns!
- We have dined on fresh strawberries, blackberries, cherries, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, basil and squash from our own garden. The potatoes and carrots and beets and corn look promising too.
- We celebrated Labor Day weekend with all four dear daughters who helped us with a massive cleanup of the family business!!
- We have been blessed with random acts of service from wonderful neighbors!
- And much much more.

We're very grateful for the new Jetta!